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There is a new page on this website now which shows the front covers of all the books we publish. Links from the side menu take you to see the relevant pages on our various websites. Click here to have a look.

New in Autumn 2024: William Shakespeare Puzzles is available, based on all of the Bard's works and aspects of his life. Details to be found here.

Charles Dickens Puzzles is now available. The material is based on the fifteen novels, A Christmas Carol and various areas of the author's life. Details and some samples can be found here.

As the new season begins in 2023, I remain keen to find new outlets for my books. They are currently stocked in places such as the Roman Bath Museum in York, the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon, Vindolanda, the Grosvenor Museum in Chester, Trimontium and the Corinium Museum at Cirencester. If you know of other outlets which might want to stock the books, please email me.