The Horace Trail - version 3

The original Horace Trail was first written in 2002, when an analysis of the whole corpus of the writer's work was created, before journeys were undertaken to Italy, Greece and Turkey. The intention was to visit, photograph and document every place mentioned in the works of this great Augustan poet.

"Horace is the supreme poet of place - and this CD-ROM takes you there."

David West, former Emeritus Professor of Latin, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, referring to version 1 of this software

The new 2015 version of the Horace Trail comes in full-screen display mode on Mac and PC systems and the interface has been fully re-engineered to make the experience rewarding for the end user. In addition, we are delighted to announce a new iPad version, which should make this work accessible to a wide range of new users.

The Horace Trail includes customisable quizzes using our Quizbuilder system, which allows users to test themselves on any of the major sections of the program, building randomised quizzes based on a database of questions. Level 1 quizzes allow for multiple choice selections to be made, while Level 2 quizzes require answers to be typed in full. Scores can be logged and consulted and password protection is built-in for score handling features. Administrators can select as score saving options "Don't save anything when student quits and delete all user data" or "Save scores to list of 50 previous attempts when user quits".

You should note that you will need to know the default password before changes can be made to the system. This can be obtained by sending an email to us after your purchase has been made.

The Horace Trail 3 copyright 2015 J-PROGS
Compatible with iOS, Windows and Mac OSX systems.
The Horace Trail is bought by download. Some copyright restrictions apply.


For the iOS version which runs on iPad, visit the App Store at this link.

Personal Licence for Windows PC
Please note the price for this product is £6 + VAT, with all adjustments made for payment in local currencies. You can make your purchase online here. This allows for use in one household only or on one computer only in an institution.

Personal Licence for Mac OSX
Please note the price for this product is £6 + VAT, with all adjustments made for payment in local currencies. You can make your purchase online here. This allows for use in one household only or on one computer only in an institution.

Site Licence for Windows PC
Please note the price for this product is £30 + VAT, with all adjustments made for payment in local currencies. You can make your purchase online here. This allows for unlimited installations in one institution.

Site Licence for Mac OSX
Please note the price for this product is £30 + VAT, with all adjustments made for payment in local currencies. You can make your purchase online here. This allows for unlimited installations in one institution.